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Goran Bregovic & Athens Symphony Orchestra & Chorus - ''Balkanica'' - ''Man from Reno''

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joi, ianuarie 22, 2009

O leapsa... joaca sau nu

   Leapsa preluata de la Sunetu'.... cine mai doreste? cine mai pofteste?

  •    Pune playerul pe shuffle.
  • Apasă „înainte” pentru fiecare întrebare.
  • Foloseşte titlul melodiei ca şi răspuns la întrebare chiar dacă nu are sens. Nu trişa!

1. How are you feeling today?

Therion- Uthark Runa ( de fapt ma simt asa de vreo doua zile... gothic!)

2. Will you get far in life?

Nirvana- Beeswax (habar n-am! )

3. How do your friends see you?

Stele verzi- Eu, tu si-o mie de cafenele (asa o fi? poate... )

4. Will you get married?

Six Feet Under- Purple haze ( daa...daa....nu?)

5. What’s your best friend’s theme?

Paradise Lost- Spirit ( ihi! Gina, tu oare ce crezi?)

6. What is the story of your life?

Nirvana - Son of a gun ( exactly... :D )

7. What was high school like?

Margineanu- Paraschiva 

8. How can you get ahead in life?

Paradise Lost- Dont't belong

9. What is the best thing about your friends?

Florin Chilian- Sa nu furi (undeva la mijloc) ( uneori chiar se nimereste...ooops)

10. What is in store for this weekend?

HIM- Death is in love with us

11. What song describes you?

HIM- Wicked game sau Amorphis- Thousand Lakes (se intepase winapu' si a sarit :D )

12. What song would describe your grandparents?

Parazitii& Margineanu- Moartea intreaba de tine (sinceeeeeeeerrrr....chiar s-a nimerit.... abia acum cand comentez vad ce intrebare era, OMG... totusi nu as vrea! )

13. How is your life going?

Poesis- Luna s-a  incins cu un cerc (folk, real folk)

14. What song will they play at your funeral?

Lake of Tears- Pagan wish (moama, totusi nu ar trebui sa ma mire...ca doar asta e play-listul meu, asta ascult, asta ma reprezinta!)

15. How does the world see you?

HIM- I love you ( as vrea eu ...ooops)

16. Will you have a happy life?

Paradise Lost- Over the madness

17. Do people secretly lust after you?

Amorphis- The Castaway

18. How can I make myself happy?

Ada Milea- Cowboy ( deci da! prea tare!)

19. What should you do with your life?

Vasile Seicaru- Din prea mult sau prea putin ( mi-e dor de ochii tai...snak3)

    Mi s-a parut foarte interesanta, uneori cam ciudata pentru ca prea s-au nimerit raspunsurile, dar asta e... cine mai vrea sa intre in joc?

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